After graduating high school, and moving away from Majestic Mountains of far East, Tatiana decided to pursue her dancing career. Moving to NY City, Tatiana was exposed to African dance and Belly dancing and, finally Yoga! As Musician, Dancer, and Healer she was attracted to concept of yoga immediately, not only as an exercise, but also spiritual practice, and culture. Through Yoga, and Meditation Tatiana discovered chanting, spirituality, an amazing peace that she was attracted to. Singing, Dancing, Yoga! Full circle! Feeling whole! For more then a decade Tatiana lived in Costa-Rica, where she became a mother to her two beautiful children. When a sudden accident changed her son health, Universe led her to a profound healing journey ones more, In which She was fortunate to work along with Peruvian and Amazonian Shamans. Tatiana has an immense gratitude for their ancient wisdom and healing powers. Having already grown up around Shamans and having experience in healing of her son rituals.Tatiana found a call to offer shamanic sound healing sessions. In which she uses her unusual voice, and energy to create a healing vibrations.This experience inspired her to take the dance to another level . Tatiana got certified at Nosara Yoga Institute in “Let Your Yoga Dance” program. From which, She has created her own unique practice, and inspire her to create 1st ever ECSTATICDANCECOSTARICA! and "Yogini Chakra Dance" practice it starts with yoga, and then continues (as music rises through each Chakra) to mix with different styles of dance (African, Belly dance, shamanic) and closes with yoga, relaxation and chants.Tatiana shares her deep spiritual journey in her dance, and believes each of us can tap into our own wonderful creations and healing powers! She found purpose in her life, through her practice. She enjoys leading individuals to their utmost capacity for a fulfilling life!